3 Simple Tips on Choosing the Right Web Host

Choosing a great web host can be a major challenge. Every webmaster, be they new or a seasoned veteran, has had trouble at one time or another selecting the right hosting for their website. Even experienced web designers have trouble sometimes determining what features are most important for them when choosing a web hosting provider.While the first thing that new webmasters look at when searching for hosting is price, veterans know that quite often price is less important than reliability and service. Sure you can find some great bargains on hosting, but is that what you really need?Determining Your Hosting NeedsThe very first thing you should do when shopping around for web hosting is determine, as closely as possible, what your needs are. Every site is a little different in this respect, and you should not go into it blindly. One of the easiest ways to do this is to write down what you think you are going to need in regards to features for hosting.If your site is a blog or simple html, you may only need the features that are commonly offered with shared hosting. However, if your site is going to be more resource intensive, have multiple returning visitors, or require minimal downtime, you may wish to take a look at getting a premium hosting plan.So go ahead and make a list of all the things that you think you need now, and what you believe you’re going to need in the future. While most web hosting companies have different plans you can upgrade to as your site grows, it’s always a good idea to select a hosting plan that will cover your website’s expected growth for the next six to twelve months. This will help you cover any unexpected growth and traffic spurts you may experience.Web Hosting ResourcesThere are many different resources on the web where you can find information about web hosting companies, including web hosting review sites and web hosting forums. Some of the most valuable review sites and forums are ones where people give their honest opinion about a particular hosting company. Check out a few of them before deciding which web host to go with.Although there are hundreds of different resources devoted to web hosting, it’s important for you to remember that ultimately, the decision of which web host to go with is up to you. If you realize you have made a mistake in your choice of web hosting providers, then select a different one. Since most web hosts will help you move your site for free, changing hosts isn’t that big of a deal.Final ThoughtsWhile most hosts advertise 99.9% uptime, multiple redundancies, and daily backups, keep in mind that sometimes, stuff just happens. Always keep a backup of your site on your personal computer just in case. Don’t make the same mistake I’ve made in the past and rely only on the web hosts backup. If you expect to have a really busy website, schedule an automatic backup and keep it in a safe place. It will save you a ton of aggravation in the future.