Tips For Commercial Real Estate Investment

Commercial Real Estate Investment involves buying commercial properties that are bigger than a 4 unit apartment building. It is that real estate investment in which an estate is rented out or sold to make profit through rental income, interests, dividends, royalties, etc. but not for primary residence. It is better for the investors who are beginners in the field to avoid commercial real estate investment strategy. On the other hand, experience investor can go for for this kind of investment as the competition is much less. It is also the best choice asset class for building wealth, you may ask why? This is because there is a limited supply of land; no more land is being created! If you select a real estate with a land component in an area of increasing population and demand, the laws of supply and demand will work in your favour to increase the value of your investment. It provides better leverage than any other asset investment, with the ability to typically borrow at least 80% of the purchase price on house and land packages. 100% lends are possible in some circumstances. It physically exists and everybody needs a roof over their head. Wherever there are people, there will be demand for real estate. Given a healthy national economy, no deflation, an increasing population, or at least increasing demand for property in your chosen investment area, then your investment is liable to increase in value over time. You may have no control over the state of the economy, but I tell you, you can stack the chips in your favour by selecting the right type of property in the right area. Commercial deals take longer than other investments. They take longer to purchase, renovate, and get sold. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but something to keep in mind so that you don’t get impatient or rush into a bad decision.Tips to help you succeed in commercial real estate investmentThis investment is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time as I said earlier to buy, renovate and sell, so you need to be patient. Think big and embark on big investment, buy properties at least 10units, remember that the more the unit you buy the cheaper they are per unit. Be prepared to spend a lot of money at first, fight the temptation to be discouraged by this, always have in mind that you can overcome this by borrowing from real estate investment trust or other source as I mentioned in one of my articles. Predictability is required in this investment because it follows a cycle which can be predicted, with predictability you can grow. It also requires consistent and persistent. Learn to analyse properties, know the worth before buying. Before now you suppose to know that commercial real estate is the business of marketing and finance, so you have to be master of finance, learn about mortgages and interest rate, loan programs that are out there. Also you need to be a skilled problem solver for anything going on in the business field in other to excel in this investment. Finally, remember that this business is not static, it changes in strategy and other aspects, so you have to be updated in the latest information, to do this you have to continue with your education/training on this.Thing to look for when buying commercial real estate investment property1. Solid Land Component; Aim for an investment where at least 30% of the purchase price is comprises of the land component. House and land, villa units, townhouses, and low apartment buildings can all fit in the bill. Land is the only limited resource, and that means value for you. If you purchase a unit in a high rise, not only will the value of the building depreciate over time, but what is to stop developers erecting more high-rises and diluting the supply in your market?2. Stable or Increasing Population; Invest in an area with an increasing, or at least stable, population base. Avoid towns which are dependent on a single industry for the bulk of their employment. If the industry folds, so will the tenants.3. Transport, Shops and Public Amenities; Invest in an area close to schools, shops, public transport and good public amenities such as a post office, library and park lands. These are the basic factors that make an area desirable to live in and will help to ensure continued demand for property in that area over the long time.4. Affordable for an Average Worker; Select a median property in a median area, one which is affordable for the average workers. High end real estate is prone to vacancy and busts in recessionary times. Low end real estate is less desirable, can attract a lower quality of tenant, and cost you more in maintenance. Aim for a property that will rent for no more than 40% of the average household income for that area, preferably 30% of the household income.5. Affordability for you, the investor; Try to invest in property that at least pays for itself, that is to say that the rental income will at least cover your mortgage repayments, insurance, maintenance, management fees, local rates and taxes. If this is not possible in your area, consider alternative areas. Otherwise you can still build wealth with negative geared property.Above are few tips on how to succeed and buy a good investment properties. Just bear them in mind when buying commercial real estate properties and I bet you, you cash flow will boom.

3 Simple Tips on Choosing the Right Web Host

Choosing a great web host can be a major challenge. Every webmaster, be they new or a seasoned veteran, has had trouble at one time or another selecting the right hosting for their website. Even experienced web designers have trouble sometimes determining what features are most important for them when choosing a web hosting provider.While the first thing that new webmasters look at when searching for hosting is price, veterans know that quite often price is less important than reliability and service. Sure you can find some great bargains on hosting, but is that what you really need?Determining Your Hosting NeedsThe very first thing you should do when shopping around for web hosting is determine, as closely as possible, what your needs are. Every site is a little different in this respect, and you should not go into it blindly. One of the easiest ways to do this is to write down what you think you are going to need in regards to features for hosting.If your site is a blog or simple html, you may only need the features that are commonly offered with shared hosting. However, if your site is going to be more resource intensive, have multiple returning visitors, or require minimal downtime, you may wish to take a look at getting a premium hosting plan.So go ahead and make a list of all the things that you think you need now, and what you believe you’re going to need in the future. While most web hosting companies have different plans you can upgrade to as your site grows, it’s always a good idea to select a hosting plan that will cover your website’s expected growth for the next six to twelve months. This will help you cover any unexpected growth and traffic spurts you may experience.Web Hosting ResourcesThere are many different resources on the web where you can find information about web hosting companies, including web hosting review sites and web hosting forums. Some of the most valuable review sites and forums are ones where people give their honest opinion about a particular hosting company. Check out a few of them before deciding which web host to go with.Although there are hundreds of different resources devoted to web hosting, it’s important for you to remember that ultimately, the decision of which web host to go with is up to you. If you realize you have made a mistake in your choice of web hosting providers, then select a different one. Since most web hosts will help you move your site for free, changing hosts isn’t that big of a deal.Final ThoughtsWhile most hosts advertise 99.9% uptime, multiple redundancies, and daily backups, keep in mind that sometimes, stuff just happens. Always keep a backup of your site on your personal computer just in case. Don’t make the same mistake I’ve made in the past and rely only on the web hosts backup. If you expect to have a really busy website, schedule an automatic backup and keep it in a safe place. It will save you a ton of aggravation in the future.

Gadgets To Take With You On A Vacation – For Comfort And Entertainment

If you are going on a vacation there are a few gadgets that you may want to take with you. Lest we forget, that all-famous iPod or CD player to help you pass some of those boring hours on the plane or the train. iPods are fast growing as the best entertainment gadget people are choosing over all the rest. iPods can store music, video and any digital information you will like to take with you any where.Of course the mobile phone is the ultimate communication device in case you need to contact anyone in the case of an emergency or just need to send a message across to someone. A camera phone is a good substitute for a cameras, however if you do not have one it will be nice to have a digital camera to use on your vacation. The Digital camera is economical and easy to handle. You can discard the images you do not like and retain the ones you do through the preview LCD display on the rear of the camera.Another gadget is the turbo charger. This is a small gadget that stores almost 40 hours of power for any mobile phone. This charger works in 150 countries adapting to any power outlet. There is no need for batteries and fits into your pocket. This means that your phone will never have to drop a call or miss any. This little gizmo, feels, is a must for any vacation or any travel plan.A batter powered coffee or soup mug that keeps the soup warm for extended periods of time is another great gizmo to make a vacation even more comfortable fun. In fact, there are many gadgets one can take on a vacation that it will be impossible to list here. The most popular gadget, as far as comfort is concerned is the electric blanket. This is an age old but very useful gadget to have around.